Sunday, September 11, 2011


We spent Saturday the 10th at the vineyards of Vevey.  Vevey is a nice, quiet town down the lake from Lausanne.  We took a couple of trains to get there and took a steamboat back.  The view from the train (and the vineyards) was unbelievable--just look!

After walking through the beautiful vineyards, we wound up at a little swimming spot where some locals were barbequing and enjoy the water.  A few guys went swimming.  Walking through the streets around there felt like we were in Italy--just some old, small European streets.

We had some free time in the town, so we walked around, bought some chocolate, and visited some of the little shops.  A girl came up and started playing cello (or viola?  Forgive me if I'm wrong).  I took a video of a little part of the town.  The area by the water was breathtaking.  They happened to have a classic car festival going on, who would've guessed?  Anyway, we took a steamboat back with an even more spectacular view.  (Sorry, the pictures are kind of scattered all over the place, this site makes it hard to move them)

Last night,  I went out with a friend around the city.  We walked through this Electronic Music festival going on.  It was really interesting to see, though it was underwhelming really, not the crazy rave-type setting I expected.  Anyway, eventually we ended up at this club called Le Darling, where a bunch of other Pepperdine students said they would go.  However, none of them were there when we showed up.  Funny enough, we ended up at a table of a bunch of Swiss people!  I got to know a few of the guys (in fact, a few of them just added me on Facebook).  Two work for the city, one was still going to school.  They were all very friendly, and we talked about everything, from the city and the culture to politics and government.  One of them (David) and I started talking about the US, capitalism and the poor with what we could in French and English.  I talked with them mostly in French-- I have no idea how I did that!  It was an absolutely incredible experience, and hopefully the first of many!

Oh, and I just found out that the jazz school in town has jam sessions every Monday night!  Tomorrow, they're playing Afro-Cuban.  I'm definitely stopping by, with or without my horn.  We'll see how it goes.  Souhaitez-moi bonne chance!


  1. lol Scott...first hint that it's not a viola should be that you hold a viola like a violin which makes it hard to distinguish between the two unless you play one or the other...but, je suis fière de toi! Tu as parlé pour la plupart en français avec ces gens?! C'est magnifique mon ami! En fait si je peux être honnête, je ne savais pas que tu parle si bien le français! Je suis surprise (kinda looks funny when it's feminine b/c it's spelled the same as the English noun! but I promise this is the past participle...) et ça me plaît. Tu me manques, j'espère que tu vas continuer à passer un bon séjour là-bas. Que Dieu te garde.
